The planning study began
with a regional, local, and site specific planning analysis to study
alternative uses which would be appropriate for the site and become
an amenity to the city of South Gate, Watts and the region. Transportation
networks were analyzed; streets, alleys, freeways, public paths,
mass transit and traffic routes as well as; adjacent industrial,
residential (typologies), commercial/retail, municipal/ civic, and
educational uses. A large commercial/ retail gap in the area was
identified as well as the need for educational facilities, higher
density housing and a community focused jobs base. Local community
needs were incorporated onto the site such as a new retail commercial
center which included office, shops and restaurants, public facilities
such as a junior high school, day care, church and a medical center,
community college extension facilities, post office, bank, public
open space community recreational areas, theaters, a regional whole
sale/ retail produce market, and industrial small and medium scale
facilities. The Master Plan is focused around large public open
recreational spaces which are surrounded by retail, commercial,
civic, educational, higher density residential units and entertainment
uses. The regional produce market and industrial facilities were
located on Alameda Street and on the periphery of the Master Plan.
Pedestrian and vehicular links to existing and future adjacent public
transit systems and streets were highlighted in the planning as
was the need for a pedestrian scale community focus. Retail uses
are located at street level with office and apartments above activating
the street and encouraging neighborhood security.
